Sunday, November 16, 2008

New Room

Earlier this year (when Chase turned 4), we finally got him out of his "crib day bed" and bought him a big boy bed. But we hadn't taked the baby wallpaper off the walls yet. Recently he got a new bedspread and we started to re-do the room last week. Chase was so excited to help and actually removed most of the border himself! He actually was very upset last week when we had to stop at bedtime one night. We had so much fun doing it together.

On Saturday morning, it was time to put up the new border. The kids wanted to be right there and played Legos for quite awhile amidst the mess of the room. Chase helped hold the wet border while I was getting it on the wall. They were so good while we worked.

Here is the finished product! We are so pleased and Chase absolutely LOVES it. I have material that I will use to make a new curtain for the round-top window and need a few things for the walls, but otherwise, we are done. Do you like it?

Here is the proud and happy owner of the room!


Sommer's said...

I LOVE it! Very good job!