Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Where have I been?

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and I'm glad to be back! I guess I needed a blogging vacation. I had one thing after another (CHRISTMAS, birthdays, getting the flu and finishing my current job) that always seemed to take a front seat to getting pictures posted. Therefore, I'm very behind and don't want to stress about getting a lot of pics posted. I'll just highlight some of the events of our Christmas celebrations.

Preparing for Santa's visit with cookies and milk (don't you drink it Chase!).....

Chase got the Ninendo DS he was hoping for!

Emily was lucky to receive an "American Girl" fun to play with her cousin who also got one!

Christmas in Cheney with Chad's parents on Christmas Day

Christmas in Pratt with my mom.

Celebrating mom/grandma's birthday in Pratt on the same day...different meal!

Christmas at our house with my dad.

A Fancy Nancy 5th Birthday party for niece Aubrey at our house.

A New Year's Eve celebration with awesome friends to hope for a fabulous 2009!

I hope to do better on my blogging. I am currently off work and starting a new job at the beginning of February. I am immensely enjoying my time off as I do some projects around the house that have been neglected and also catch up with different folks through lunches, etc. Hope everyone is off to a great 2009!