I am continually amazed at some of the papers that the kids bring home from school. Chase is enrolled in a Parents As Teachers Preschool class in the Maize school system, which allows Chad and I to switch off weeks and go to the class with Chase. I went with Chase this last Tuesday, April Fool's Day, and we had such a fun time together. He worked on this cat at the art table and I was amazed by his abilities. I helped him with the tail and ears, and he did the rest by himself. He ran out of room writing his name so he went above to finish!! But he got the sun and grass and all the facial features of the cat. I thought he did a great job and thought I'd let you check it out! The other fun thing from that night was snack time. All of the kids take turns bringing snack and the little girl who was signed up started handing out baggies with green balls in them. Everyone wondered what it was......the dad broke down and said April Fool's!! They were frozen brussel sprouts. She then had Moon Pies for the real snack, but it was hilarious and the parents got quite a kick out of it!! Some parents are so creative.........
Emily is doing wonderfully in Kindergarten and I can't believe some of the things they already teach!!! She told me today that they made a volcano in her classroom. She has already learned about presidents (and sometimes it seems that she knows more than me!!) and now we are working on subtraction. She got a BIG red star on her paper so I can only assume that she did this one right! She really liked this worksheet so maybe she'll be our math guru. She loves school and has enjoyed all of the friends she has made....so much so that she is getting invited to all kinds of birthday parties. Let the fun begin........
Ta Ta for now!!
That One Time I Had to Chase my Taco
5 years ago
Great job Chase & Emily! It is fun to see some of the things that you have learned at school.
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